The SMA Beta Blues Robotics Team is a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team and the only all-girl team in Oregon. Members are introduced to principles of engineering, design, and programming while they work collaboratively to design, build, and program a robot within the framework of the annual FRC challenge.
This activity consists of three seasons throughout the school year: pre-season starting in September, a six-week build season starting in January, and competition season extending into March and April. The competition season includes two multi-day district qualifying events and the potential for championship competitions.
The team has competed in events in both Oregon and Washington. Among their achievements are selection as Rookie All-Stars at their very first competition, helping their alliance place second at the Lake Oswego District Competition in their second year, and advancing to the Pacific Northwest District Championship in 2017.
Here is a video documenting their first year of competition to learn more about our Robotics team and how they bring their innovative ideas to life. Make sure to follow our team on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for more updates.