
Mass/Liturgies and prayer services
In order to provide ample opportunities for educating in the faith, St. Mary’s Academy offers a variety of ways for students to pray together, celebrate special occasions and grow in faith as individuals and a community. Through all-school and optional prayer services and liturgies, students can take quiet, sacred time to join in ministry and prayer with staff and one another. Any student is welcome to participate in any of the ministry events either in congregation or direct participation. Students from any faith background are welcome to assist, with the exception of Eucharistic ministers at the mass who must be confirmed Catholics. For a list of available ministry positions in our masses, please click here.

All-school Liturgies are held approximately every 4-6 weeks; CMS students assist Campus Ministers in planning and all students are welcome to volunteer for ministry positions. Attendance at the monthly masses is mandatory and students are expected to dress up for school on those days.

Weekly PAC masses are optional Eucharistic celebrations scheduled nearly every week throughout the year. The performing arts center, or PAC, offers an intimate setting for students and faculty to celebrate and pray together. The other option for students during these times is to attend silent study hall.

Celebrating other religious holidays and traditions
St. Mary’s Academy prides itself on the cultural and religious diversity of our students. From our school’s inception, we have remained approximately 30% percent Catholic, with the remaining student body ranging a spectrum of religious and spiritual traditions. We utilize opportunities in our prayer services, morning prayer and meditation Mondays to make special note of other traditions’ holidays and observances whenever possible. Absences for religious holidays are always permitted if the student is practicing. Students are specifically invited to share in their family or faith traditions in theology courses, social sciences and English; they are welcome to do so in any other course as it applies. Students of any tradition are welcome to participate in our CMS team in an effort to expand our knowledge of how and when we honor other faiths here at SMA. We also encourage students to help us find new ways to celebrate here in the building. Have an idea? Share it with us!