If your class already has a Facebook Group established, and you simply want to share the news about our upcoming Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, while also encouraging people to potentially update their contact information with the school the following language can be used in a post to an existing Facebook Group:
Our X-year reunion is coming up, and the school is hosting the party at their Homecoming & Reunion Weekend this October! Save the date to join us as we celebrate together the weekend of October 18-20th. More information will follow here, from your Class of XXXX Ambassadors, and from SMA.
If you’re not getting mail (email or snail mail) from St. Mary’s, the school may be missing your most up-to-date contact! You can update your information directly with the school using this link: https://www.stmaryspdx.org/alumnae/update-your-information
Sample Lost Classmates Social Post Language:
We’re hoping to connect with the following classmates, if you’re in touch with them please encourage them to update their contact information with the school at: https://www.stmaryspdx.org/alumnae/update-your-information
List of Classmates Here
* If your class doesn’t already have a Facebook Group, but you would like to create one and would like some assistance, please reach out to Catherine Knight, Director of Alumnae Relations at catherine.knight@smapdx.org